I've got two different versions here. This is one of the few kits that I have multiples of. But don't worry, I don't count the second one as a separate kit. I don't cheat on my tally for how many models I've got! lol The Red version is my original while the Green/Rogue Squadron is my second build. Both were built basically the same way. I didn't pay too much attention to accuracy and just built them stock. The kit goes together fine and if you are happy with a few inaccuracies, it can stay that way. The Fine Molds and SMT kit are much more accurate if you are looking for more. The Red version was colored with the kit decals whereas the Rogue Squadron version was painted. I painted it as Rogue 2, Tycho Celchu. You can see his kill markings next to the cockpit frame. The Red version was lightly weathered with some washes and a little airbrushing. The Green version was heavily airbrushed and washed. I think I went a little overboard on it. I got both of these kits for about $5. As you may notice, the kit cockpit is quite sparse and the Flight Display X-wings didn't include a pilot. That's why I purchased the detail set you see below them to replace one of the cockpit. This resin kit replaces the kit cockpit, pilot and R2 unit to provide a more accurate look. It even includes a targeting computer!! Once installed, it should add a nice touch of realism to the lucky X-wing (which will probably get a complete overhaul as well). Look for it soon!! |
Other Variations (Stock Kit
Only): |
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