This is one of the oldest Star Wars kit's there is. It's so old, they used parts from it in models in Empire Strikes Back. Recognize the wings? Can anyone say TIE Bomber? This is a surprisingly well done kit for it's age. The masters haven't changed in the 20 some odd years it has been out. It has been repackaged several times with different features, but it is still the same basic kit. This particular one is the Flight Display version that came with a big acrylic disk you were supposed to stick the ship in to make it look like it was flying. I used to have them together, but removed the disc to save shelf space. The kit itself went together ok. I have heard some horror stories of warped pieces from some of the older kits so I am glad mine was one of the newer ones. Nothing major to speak of. One thing you may want to correct is the panel lines on the cockpit area. They are all missing! Just scribe some in and you will be fine. There are plenty of references so it's possible with a little work. For painting I based the whole ship in Camo Gray to match the standard TIEs and all the other Star Wars craft. I then painted the panels black and picked out details around the ship. No weathering on this guy! I don't think Air Force One would show too much weathering, do you? The best part about this kit is the size! It's around 1/35 so it is nice and large. The Vader figure it comes with is pretty cool to. Unfortunately you can't really see it inside the cockpit. For it's size and coolness, this kit is a sure bet. I got mine for $6 at KBToys. |
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