This is the first Argonauts kit
I ever had. I didn't know what I had until quite some time after when I
realized how rare they are. The Argonauts kit are just great, they are accurate,
fit great and are a lot of fun to build. This kit was very simple. There
were the wings, the main fuselage, hatch and a few detail parts. Everything
went together fine and required almost no cleanup. The only bad thing is
that the canopy has no clear plastic for the "glass". This could probably
be easily remedied by some clear acetate. For painting I made a mixture
of blues and grays to match the ships in Empire Strikes Back and Return
Of The Jedi. I had originally done a very simple paint job and not much
detail work. I looked at it a few years later and decided it was too plain.
I proceeded to paint details on it specified by the Fine Molds instructions
and it came out looking really nice. Now it actually looks like a real TIE
Fighter. I found this kit on eBay for only $5, can you believe it!
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