This kit was one of my first. I saw it on clearance at KB for like $5 so I bought it right then and there. I remember when I opened it up, being amazed at the detail. Now I know better. Back when I started, about the summer of 99, I used to think kits like this were top of the line. But that doesn't mean I can't have fun with it. I painted every piece individually. The main color was Flat Light Aircraft Gray from Testors. The kit was assembled and then began the weathering process. I honestly do not remember how many washes this kit has had. I diluted Flat Black in water and doused the kit in it many times over several weeks. Usually once a day I would pick out certain spots that needed extra and would work there. After about a year, I decided the wash was too boring so I decided to use my then new airbrush on it. It worked fine. I used diluted Flat Black again. After another six months I decided it was again too boring and needed some added detail. So I took a hot soldering iron and dug nice erratic holes in the hull to simulate the damage seen on the real ship. I then weathered these holes fully and was finally happy. Of course this kit will probably still undergo more "special modifications". I do have another non-cutaway kit that I am planning to light and accurize with the resin sets from FalconKits. |
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