This massive kit has been on my wanted list for a long time. This is Han
Solo on his taun taun from The Empire Strikes Back. This kit is cast in
solid resin, is very heavy, and has very nice detail. The Tauntaun is
especially nice with extra detail and texture in its fur. Han's likeness
is very well done. The kit is impressive in its size at 1/6 scale. It
should tower over surrounding kits of a similar scale. The kit is cast
pretty roughly with a lot of areas that will require cleanup. This will
be especially difficult on the TaunTaun as I will have to blend the cleanup
work into the fur. I don't know very much about this kit as far as when
it was made or by whom so if anyone out there has any info, please fill
me in. I found this kit on eBay and won it for a measly $29.