This beast has a very dynamic pose not too dissimilar from the AMT/ERTL version. This one looks almost as if he is dodging a blaster bolt at the same time. Very Matrixy (if that's a word). I really like this kit because of it's size. Big kits are always really impressive. I painted this one pretty much all black. No blue on the pants on this one, and the belt it much more brown. The hair has some red highlights in it too. I don't why I keep doing that. I used a leathery type of black on his vest to provide at least some differences. I think this one looks a LOT like Harrison Ford. He has a very Han Solo look on his face that is just great. I made a base for this kit because I had trouble getting him to stand. After a very easy assembly he kept falling. I weighted his legs with plaster to counter balance the gun arm, but it didn't really work. So...I put him on the base. That feeble attempt at a planet is supposed to be Corellia. Don't laugh! One, I don't know what it looks like and Two I am not a picture painter! I am a model painter. I also added the customary blood stripes. On this kit, the Corellian Blood Stripes are actually just vertical lines down his pant legs instead of the multiple horizontal lines like all the other Hans. I got this kit from someone on the Internet for around $30. |
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